YOUR FIRST HEALTH COACHING APPOINTMENT: In preparation for your initial appointment, you will arrive with a copy of your lab work, a list of your meds, imaging reports and a fully filled out questionnaire that lets me know who you are and what you need. It will likely last about an hour to an hour and a half. Ongoing access is available in the way of ongoing email, text, or phone. The pandemic practice of virtual visits is also encouraged by The Wellness Place and often necessary for those clients too ill or without transport.
Through health coaching, the potential for reversal/remission of disease is possible with a better quality of life. Whether you are a lifelong asthmatic, just finished chemo with no energy, diabetic, arthritic, have aging problems, multiple sclerosis, fatigued, hormonal, depressed and more, all are addressed with the principles of Functional Medicine that finds the root cause of your condition and seeks to reverse it. To get started, fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page to set up a complimentary telephone appointment with me today. Bring joy back to your life and look forward to each day of living. You will likely find it here.