Getting up in the morning can be hard if you have arthritis. It seems to get in the way of every aspect of our lives robbing us of the joy of living. If medications work for you, you might keep in mind that processing meds is very hard on the liver and stomach over time.
If you want a better way to slay this dragon and make arthritis a stranger, there is a way to reduce your pain with some very interesting approaches you will never hear about from your doctor. No medications, no side effects.
Make an appointment with me at The Wellness Place and bring a friend who may be challenged by arthritis as well. No one should have to suffer from this terrible disease.
For more information, call for a telephone chat that is complementary for a half hour. The more I know about you, the more I can help.
You may have my full attention for a full half hour to discuss your history. Call or text and make an appointment. 760.766.6223