Very often we try to explain our pain to the doctor, to a friend, to anyone we think might understand. Their understanding and empathy can help and sometimes reduce the level of pain.
Sometimes the cause of our pain is not found for many years. What did we do to deserve it, did we create it, is it a pain that can be eliminated?
Pain separates people from most of the joys of living and being with people. We have seen with Covid-19 how isolation from people can make us feel. Lonely, likely the only person living on an island. That is how many people feel who have constant pain.
Pain can make you mean and irritable and no fun to be around and is as disruptive to human existence as the virus we are dealing with.
Being the eternal optimist, I believe there is always a reason. It takes detective work, but it can be found. It's not always in your doctor's office where you are for 15 minutes, or from your friends, or from a specialist, or from a hospital. Sometimes you come to a hospital in pain and leave in pain. Or you leave with pain killers that are potent and toxic, too difficult to take for long periods of time.
The body is like a beautiful puzzle. Everything is interconnected but if there's a piece out of place, the body will express itself in some way. And for some that is unwanted pain.
What do you do about it? How do you get the answers? In addition to your primary care doctor, spend time with a holistic, health professional to find the lost puzzle pieces and put them back in place.
Find someone who is kind with whom you can trust and feel safe, and start the journey with the feeling that wellness is just around the corner. Keep in mind, your chosen health guide is there to give you a road map, but you have to participate in your own renewal. Kind of different with our doctors where we expect them to do it all without any effort on our part.
For all who read this who are in pain, may your pain be lessened and your days and nights be bearable. But most of all, know that there is hope for a life without pain. You have to take the first step.